Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Slow-Cooked Buttery Leeks

I'm still working on my Spanish cooking, and tonight was a success in creativity and recipe following. Like I mentioned before, Spanish food is not for a quick dinner. I was thinking about it today, and the Spanish people really do seem to be the slow cooked type. When we were in Barcelona for our honeymoon this summer, nothing was open before 11am and nothing closed before 3am. It seemed to be the type of place where people took their time to get the best flavor out of life, and I am noticing that in the food.

Buttery Leeks & Spanish Couscous
For dinner tonight, I made Puerros Cocidos, Slow-Cooked Buttery Leeks. They were so incredible that I literally felt like the leeks were filled with butter, which they almost were.

Cut the roots and green tops off leeks (the recipe called for 6 small leeks, but I used 3 large ones), and cut them into ~3 inch stalks. Sautée 1/3 cup of olive oil in a saucepan and lightly brown 4 sliced garlic cloves. Add 5 bay leaves and the leeks to the oil, laying them flat in the pan. Add 2/3 cups white wine (we used Riesling), 5 tbsp butter, enough warm water to almost cover the leeks, and a pinch of salt. Bring to a quick boil and then return to low heat and simmer covered for 45 minutes. Remove the leeks and then reduce the sauce.

Buttery Leeks & Spanish Couscous
In the meantime, I made some couscous with flavors inspired by the recipes I had read about. I toasted my Israeli couscous, which really gives the couscous a nice nutty taste to it. I added the water and simmered until cooked thoroughly. I added dried thyme, paprika, cumin, and smoked salt to the mix. I served the leeks on top of a pile of couscous and put some of the leek sauce on top. The words melt-in-your-mouth don't even describe how incredibly soft and buttery the leeks were.

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